Monday, December 31, 2012


Dear 2012,

Despite the trials of the last several weeks... I need to thank you. Thank you for reminding me to look for the sun. Thank you for teaching me that I am, in fact, quality SAHM material. Thank you for a beautiful summer full of great times with the kids and the beginnings of so many new paths in our lives. I believe something in me woke up this summer, something in me began to truly heal and allow me to move forward and pursue new friendships again. Thank you for Triangle and everything it has already done for Jacob and for me. Thank you for 23 amazing Daisies and the opportunity to help them (and me!) grow every week, and for two wonderful co-leaders and friends to share the journey with. Thank you for my beautiful niece; it's unbelievable to me how much I adore her. Thank you for leading me back to church; I don't know how I would have gotten through the last several weeks without the return of that peace and ritual to my life. Thank you for my husband and his steadily improving health; please let 2013 restore and renew us both. Thank you for a beautiful Christmas and the calm and confidence it brought me.

You were not without growing pains, 2012. You were not without heartache and hardship. But the lessons learned have been worth it.

My humble gratitude,

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